Saturday, June 25, 2011

Tortilla Crisp

Sunrise behind the Superstitions
 With a forecast of 110 degrees and a need to get another 100k populaire done for the month of June I was determined to get out of bed at 4 AM.   I actually made it at about 4:07 which wasn't too bad.  I didn't get to the start until 4:40 ish though.  Nice thing was,  there was not even a breath of wind out.  I was able to keep the speeds over 20 most of the way back to the Sups which is really good for me.   Seeing as it would get hot pretty quickly once the sun was up fast was good.

Either I was out really early or the guys with the speedboats were lazy but there was not much car traffic to speak of.  That would be different on the way back of course (doesn't matter as much when I'm going the other way).  I was also stunned to not see any cyclists out.  I think I was just out early.  Temps in Mesa were a toasty 80 degrees before dawn.  In Apache Jct. we would almost get down to 70 before we got to Canyon Lake.

Yours Truly
 The Marina was closed still when I got there before 7.  The guy in the watch house said I could use the water spigot fortunately.  You can't get enough water in you on days like these.  The folks at the Marina are really nice to let us get water.  Heck,  I'd even pay a couple of bucks for water if they wanted it but so far they have been really good about letting us have water.  I'll have to take D'Net on a steamboat ride there or something one of these days.

For some reason I actually felt really powerful this morning on the hills and I made good time.  I got passed by at least a dozen motorcycles climbing up to the end of the pavement.  One of them would not be going home I would later seem, which is unfortunate as most of the sport bikers gave me a friendly wave.  Not that it wouldn't be unfortunate as well if it was one of the harley/cruiser types but they weren't as friendly with the waves this morning for some reason.

Is it just me,  or is this cactus giving me the bird?
 I was very surprised to arrive at the end of the pavement without having seen anyone else out cycling this morning.   Usually I either see someone heading back the other way or someone catches up to me.  I wouldn't see anyone until I was heading down the hill and I would see some of the Two Wheel Jones riders coming up the hill.  I figured they would catch up to me on the way out but they never did.

Climbing the hill was warm, after the turn around things started to get hot.  I got pretty hot climbing out of Tortilla Flat and the sun was putting on it's chefs hat for a full day at the bakery.  Fortunately, I had that water spigot at the marina I could use.  Where there is water,  there is life.  At 7:30 in the morning it had already passed 90 degrees and was heading for 100.  So I downed all the water I could.

He went that a way!
Climbing out of Canyon Lake I had a doofus in a silver pickup run me off the road.  Thank goodness I had my mirror.  He was 1 of maybe 4 cars that would pass me on the way out.  It wasn't like I was blocking traffic.  Anyway,  some people are just stupid and there's nothing you can do.  Their stupidity 24/7 probably causes them more pain than the few moments you get to experience of them.

After dropping down to the weavers needle overlook,  I was stopped by police directing traffic around an accident scene.  One of the motorcyclists had missed a turn.  He's lucky (assuming he lived)  he didn't goof up a few turns back where the cliffs are.   Since the Ambulance didn't pass me until I was well along Brown road it took them a long time to get him loaded up.

You know,  for all the whining and complaining I hear from motorists about cyclists being dangerous on the road to canyon lake I have yet to see an accident involving cyclists (other than silly rainy day mistakes).  So far I have seen two motorcycle accidents,  and a mini-van that went over the edge on a missed turn.   I also have seen many cars lined up behind folks towing boats but hardly ever see folks lined up behind a cyclist.  Anyway, just a few thoughts.  I know I'm preaching to the choir here but thought I'd share em anyway.

A tall cup of ice water and a cherry shake were very much enjoyed at Sonic where I was joined bv a guy on an expensive time trial bike and his (I assume)  girlfriend.  She was wearing tennis shoes so I figured she was probably just getting into this biking thing,  although she might be one of the folks who refuse to go clipless and uses the toe clips.

I weighed more when I got home than when I had left so I did good on the water.  I ended up with a time of 4 hours and 30 minutes which isn't too bad for a solo effort for me.  It's not my best time,  but it isn't too far off. I'll take it.

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